Tuesday, December 4, 2012

All About Me Box


I created this box out of five sheets of 12x12 Cardstock paper. The three layers are the same shape, but get smaller in size. When opened it shows pictures I took that explain About Me. This is a fun project to make and can be used in many different ways. Some ideas are for holiday presents, mothers or father’s day gifts, or birthday gifts. The students can create them and put inside whatever they would like. Another great idea would be to make it a keepsake box for when a student moves so they can remember their class or for a new student who has just moved to the town and the students can put their pictures inside with their names and what they like. This is great way for the new student to learn the names of the students and what they like. It can also be used to store flashcards or write information on the different flaps for a certain subject. Again, a fun project and children can show their creativity!


Final Project- Tiki Toki

My final project was on how to use Tiki Toki! It is an interactive, multimedia timeline. I have listed some ideas on how to use Tiki Toki in the classroom

-         Have the children create a timeline of their life to share with the class
-         Research Projects to talk about a person’s life or the events of a war.
-         A classroom timeline- how they grew throughout the year and what they learned.
-  The students can also create a personal diary of what they do and learn each day.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Tiki Toki Tutorial

This is a tutorial on how to use Tiki Toki.


In order to be successful in implementing NETS in my classroom I will educate myself on them. Knowing that NETS is the standards for evaluating a student will help the teacher out. I will also educate my students on what is their job to be successful with the NETS standards. NETS are a great guideline to follow for teachers. It states what is expected of the teacher and what is expected of the students. A huge part of NETS deals with technology too. Technology is used in the classroom a majority of the time. It is important to teach the students how to properly use technology and what they can do with it. Teaching the students how to use technology by analyzing data and to learn from it is what NETS is looking for. So being able to be successful with NETS in the classroom is the teacher having a good understanding about what it is and also being able to tell the students too.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Holiday Plans

For the Holiday Break my family and I went to my aunt’s house. I was able to prepare the Thanksgiving meal with my aunt and my grandmother. Usually we always go to my parents’ house for Thanksgiving, but my mother handed it over to my aunt. We had a wonderful family meal and then we went to the hotel and were able to go swimming. Later that night my aunt and I attended the Black Friday Festivities. We were able to get some great deals and had a blast shopping.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

How to Blur out a face or faces

It is important to know how to blur out faces in photos for the security of the people. I used Gimp when blurring out faces. -Download Gimp -Open Gimp and then open the image you want to blur out a face on -Choose either the rectangle or sqaure shape or circular shaped blur to blur out the face or whatever you want to blur out. -Draw the shape around the object you want to blur out -Click Filter, Blur, Gaussian Blur -Increase the Blur until you have the blur you want -Then click OK and save the picture.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Apple in Education

The apple site I visited is very helpful. It provides tutorials and guides to look through that will be beneficial to educators implementing iPads in their classrooms. On this site they categorize the apps so they are easy to search by content areas. This ways is helpful in being able to read about the apps and what they do. This site also breaks it up on how to teach with the iPad and how to create classroom content. There are many areas under each of these sections. Out of all that I learned from this website, I will remember how they explained how to build courses off of the apps and also how to use iPads in the classroom. This site will be very helpful when I get into the classroom and use iPads.