Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reflection #1
Educational Technology Bill of Rights

The educational technology bill of rights is very interesting. I agree with some of what Brad says and I disagree with some. Number seven on Brad’s list is very true. The world we all live in is ran through technology. We as educators need to let the children use different machines and use different programs to complete projects or assignments. We are only going to become a more technological advanced society so why not start teaching the children young so they have a strong etiquette on technology.
I do struggle with number one though. Being able to make it fair in the classroom for students is the hard part. I know that life is not fair, but that is very hard to teach young students when they are very naive. Adults still do not understand why life is not fair. Not all students can afford new technology and not all schools can either. I would say either each student gets one or none of them do. I do remember back to my elementary days the school bought about 50 laptops that could be shuffled between classrooms, so that is one idea that schools can do. Since I am considered “old” now schools have probably done that and are onto something new. The Bill of rights were fun to read and think that way about technology and the student. I did find that some of the comments were rather rude.
I found some comments rather harsh. I do not take criticism well when it comes off in a rude tone, so while reading the comments I found them rude. My mother and others always tell me that I am too nice, but I was told to treat others how you want to be treated and that is what I go by. It was hard to read the comments, but everyone has their own opinion. If I do not agree with someone I try to tell them in the nicest way possible, but these people let Brad have it.  

At the bottom of my post is a link to his website.

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