Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Reflection 3 Google Apps

Emily Hansen
Reflection #3
Google Apps Training

The more I learn about Google and all it has to offer the more I like it. Before this class all I used Google for was as a search engine. Now that I have read more about it, Google has so much to offer. They offer from the basic email (Gmail) to storing documents. This website I reviewed walked through the Google Apps and what they do.
The website laid out six of the most used apps. The apps are email, calendar, talk such as instant messaging, documents, sites, and video. There are even more than that and guess what they are free to schools. Google is able to set up the schools with accounts then the students are able to set up a gmail account. They are also able to access Google Docs and upload assignments to it. This helps teachers out because then the students are always able to access their documents at schools. The students can publish and share these documents as well.
Along with using Google Docs teachers and students are able to create websites. Teachers can create websites for each of their classes and list what they will be doing from week to week. It is a great source for students to keep in touch with the teacher and know what is going on in class. Another neat part to Google is that teachers can customize Google Apps to their school. Teachers can do many things with this, but one important one is teachers can create groups that are in school and make policies for their domain.
Now you all are wondering why schools would choose Google Apps, for one thing it is free. It is also easy to keep up to date with. Schools do not need to worry about maintaining it. Google is kept up to date from the company itself. There are no servers or hardware that the schools need to worry about. That is a costly part that schools can now put that money towards another expense. Also Google Apps requires no licenses. 

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