Tuesday, November 13, 2012

QR Codes

We have been learning a lot about iPads in these last few weeks. One app I learned about was the QR Code Scanner app. This app scans this QR code that is made from an internet site. The QR Code can direct a person to the desired place that the product wanted people to go to. I created a game out of it. I will attach it at the end of this post. The game is dealing with English terms. On a sheet there are twelve English terms. The studnents need to use an iPad and scan the pop tops. Once scanned they then need to match the definition that was scanned to the correct term. Students can use this like flash cards or a game can be created out of it. Studnets would be able to play tic-tac-toe or a form of Bingo. This would be a fun activity to create with the students. It can be a great form of flash cards. The site I used to create my QR Codes is as follows: http://www.snapmaze.com/ This site is very user friendly and easy to follow.

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