Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Reflection #4 Copyright

Reflection #4 15 Copyright rules every student should know This is a great website. Every teacher should use this site as a teaching tool. Copyright is a complicated issue for students to understand. When the information is so easily accessible they might not think twice that it belongs to someone else. Going over each and every rule will give the students an understanding about copyright and how it works. I even learned something new from this site as well. I did not know that there were certain limitations on how much information a person could take from another person. From a video a person can only use three minutes. From a song a person can only use 30 seconds. I also learned that some authors like to be credited a certain way. Some authors even want people to ask for permission to use their work before they do anything with it. I would use this site again. It is a quick read and reminds a person of what they can and cannot do with copyright. The rules are also some that a person does not think about when working on an assignment. So it is a good reminder of what to look out for. I also viewed the website on “taking the Mystery out of Copyright.” I think this is a fun and interactive site for students. It would be great for the students just learning about copyright. It is rather boring to read about copyright and all the information that goes along with it. This site helps make it a more fun to learn about it. What I enjoyed from this site is how they set it up like a mystery being solved. They started out with a detective going through copyright and whoever creates it owns it. It is fun and bright colored so it will grab student’s attention. They also have a link to the official site of U.S copyright office, which is a good site to know for later reference. The site takes the children through all the right steps. It is the basis of copyright so it does not overwhelm the student. It does not share everything on copyright, but enough so they understand how it works. As the students grow they will learn more and more on copyright.

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