Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Favorite Teacher Site

It is hard to pick my favorite blog or website. I have come across so many great ones! I will share one of my top favorites though. I love the blog by Erica Bohrer. She teaches in a first grade classroom. I love her site becuase it is fun and she has so much information. She has many links to freebies and other great activites that do not cost much. Her site is organized and user friendly. She likes to share pictures, which I love because it makes it more personal. Like I said this is only one of my favorites. There are many great sites out there and I cannot wait to find more. Here is the URL for the blog:

Poster Program

I was going to use this site to make my poster,, because it looked easy to use and some fellow classmates said it was. I struggled with it. I was not able to make my image smaller than one megabyte. I am going to try and work that one out still. The website I did end up using was It works Great! Friendly and easy to use. I did not have to download anything, which I love, besides my poster. I will be using this site to creat posters around my room. It is cheaper than buying posters and I can make them how I want them to look. I also will be able to control what is on them. Here is a how to on the website: I went the easy way and clicked on the green button titled "Creat your poster now!." From that point you can choose how you want to make a poster. I selected "upload background." I was able to upload a poster I had already created in Photoshop. From there it uploaded and I was able to choose if I wanted anything else. I left it just the way it uploaded and then downloaded it to my computer. I really like how on the homepage a person can take a tour of the website. This is very helpful to get to know the site better. Again here is the site URL:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

VCSU Education Program

Everything is going well for me. I am enjoying all of my classes! The classroom that I am completing my practicum in is wonderful. I am able to recognize the teachers routines for activities such as art class. I learned about routines in Introduction to Education 250. I also have learned about the teacher and her planning methods. I never realized how important planning is and how important it is to be organized. I am an organized person so this is great for me. From being in the classroom I feel that I need to learn so much more. I am not very confident in delivering a lesson to the students. I know that will come with more experience. I also need to work on writing out a lesson plan in more detail. I like to have a plan laid out completely. Even though I may not follow it exactly, I will always be prepared.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

40 Hour Field Experience

I am completing my 40 hour field experience at Jefferson Elementary. I am in the Kindergarten classroom. I thought I had an idea of what to expect when I entered the classroom, but I was surprised. I have been in a first grade classroom so I was expecting it to be like that. I was wrong. It is very fast paced and high energy in the room. I am having a great time and I know this is the profession that I want to be in. I am learning many different things. I am working with the children on learning the sounds of their letters. It also is a review for me. Breaking up the words is sometimes a challenge. I am so use to just knowing how to spell them. It is going well though. It is very different to be in the teacher role. I like being in the teacher role and having a majority of the control. I enjoy helping the students learn and when they succeed it is such a great feeling. I have not encountered anything that I do not like, yet. I am sure I will. Until next time, Have a wonderful day and always keep discovering something new!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

First Snow

I love all the seasons in North Dakota! I do love the first snowfall of the winter season, but the one we had today was not one of my favorites. I like when it is a light snowfall. Not a wet and slushy one like we had today. I wish I was better prepared for it. I have been planning on bringing my winter coat up here from home, but I keep forgetting it. That will be the thing at the top of my list to bring from home. I do love the winter months for the fact that I am a farm girl so I love the harvest season. I also love lambing season that goes on. The little lambs are so cute and adorable. I wouldn't say winter is my favorite, but I do like winter!