Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Poster Program

I was going to use this site to make my poster,, because it looked easy to use and some fellow classmates said it was. I struggled with it. I was not able to make my image smaller than one megabyte. I am going to try and work that one out still. The website I did end up using was It works Great! Friendly and easy to use. I did not have to download anything, which I love, besides my poster. I will be using this site to creat posters around my room. It is cheaper than buying posters and I can make them how I want them to look. I also will be able to control what is on them. Here is a how to on the website: I went the easy way and clicked on the green button titled "Creat your poster now!." From that point you can choose how you want to make a poster. I selected "upload background." I was able to upload a poster I had already created in Photoshop. From there it uploaded and I was able to choose if I wanted anything else. I left it just the way it uploaded and then downloaded it to my computer. I really like how on the homepage a person can take a tour of the website. This is very helpful to get to know the site better. Again here is the site URL:

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